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from 2,50 EUR

plus. 19 % Tax excl.

Spirit Pearls Partyset 1

Spirit Pearls Partyset 1
Product No.:4228
from 130,60 EUR
plus. 19 % Tax excl.
EAN/PZN: 4250230342289
Verfügbarkeit/Lieferzeit: 3-4 Werktage
Minimum purchased quantity 1 pieces
9 cans of Spirit Pearls mix, every can 200 grams

Additional Item Description:

Try now * our Spirits Pearls Party Set !*

Order our party Spirits Pearlsls Party Set at a special price of 130,60 Euros and test eight great varieties in our range.

If you have come to the taste, 50% you will be credited the neto-cost of the party set on your next order over 500 €.

The party set contains 200 grams of the following varieties:

Orange juice without alcohol, 100% fruit juice
Erdbeerliquer 30% vol Vodka 37.5% vol
Whisky 40% Vol
Weinbergpfirsich 30% vol
Vodka Energy 37.5% vol
Dark Rum 40% vol
Almond Pistachio 30% vol

Depending on availability, we can also deliver other types as replacement deliveries, depending on the stock.

*50% of the cost for the party set will be credited with order for 500 Euros.

A payment back is not possible.


Unopened cans Shelf life 36 months at up to 20 degrees Celsius. Opened cans in refrigerator shelf life 4 weeks.

Production: Made in Germany

Notice to activate your order:
Sale takes place in this shop always in complete packaging units (PU) .. Every once each VE is the minimum purchase quantity for the specified item. Please consider this when you activate your order.

Our offers are exclusivly only for companies, business people, trader and freelancers.

Sliding-scale prices:

1-10 pcs per 130,60 EUR
11-45 pcs per 130,30 EUR
46-90 pcs per 130,00 EUR
91-180 pcs per 129,70 EUR
> 181 pcs per 129,40 EUR

This Product was added to our catalogue on Sunday, 19. September 2021.